....she 'got' it....
the "cleaning lady" speech...
I didn't think i would really* like her, also....
* the kind of 'really' meaning the corollary of knowing her type except in the extremely opposite sense - pandemic of em... snotty stuck up preciously precious...oh so precious.... and you know full well they will run away crying at any real communication, that isn't 'Guardian approved' ... in other words, bored, lets chat that one up, maybe one day one could get close enough to see how much she actually does pay for hairdressing, the way they so severely get every single filament into perfect elderly Surrey-babe conformity to.....such an awful 'norm', conformed norm, contraceptive norm, it makes one feel ill .
Actually two publishing phenomena in one day is enough.
I fade
There are one thousand more silver linings better than this, especially that biggest one...
last june.
I mean to say....
But since all those splendid copyright thieves had such splendid down time..
to upload
stuff peraps kickin around for years, no time...
lets start with about number 100 on the top of the pops.
wot is, duck, and should never be....
until time was
Time to get rainy....
Only one has actually had it on full blast as i wandered in.
And thus i am faithful.
Despite her posh pictures and posh sox....
And maybe she will wander by now, to repaint it just..
for me.
Anyway god only knows what a soundboard is but
two and half fingers or, no....
Now... there is a setting
but not yet
later on in the most glorious year in history: