Wednesday 14 April 2021

So, from 'her' layby...

footnote: no health and immunity enhancing sunrays  are ever wasted in the transmission of this impossible. That would be impossible. 'Never' means  never in the same was her never was of course not, because that would mean admitting fully mine sins.  'Flawed' of course could be multi agendered.

 The thing is, it is really about her [no bold itis].

Non Byronic sis, A full fronted example of modern moman. Even if she lives in the outback. As do I. She loved it or seemed to, seeing how i was the one who had adopted her outback. 

Indeed, 'poignant', kismet, and far more the case, The B S of it all - in this case a far better metaphor for what Black Swans are, than the fab Nick's original... and to think that justr a few months on, she, married to "Godzilla" .... wouldn't set him on me for telling the truth in so many words - in her case a tad censored, '"b. s."  being the polite version. as she now knows.

WHich in and of itself as the hoity toities say, is impossob;e. I mean a year away, today.... I can hardly call t a year 'back' as it is now forever within; visceral in respect of mind body and soul. There cannot ever be any going back. Because it was, her, "bliss" even if that's a banned word as flabby as she too will become one day.

Anyway we better get to work propper soon. Especially having realised every single simplest dream.  And as i do - that is 'work' here, long planned - there was some planning, because I know what is natural justice and the lore of folk... plus what is right and wrong. And what could not be made up. 

There was always going to be a K. P. page - that was in preperations nine months back. Because at last i have examples so much more beautifyul that even hers - the greatest writer so far of this century. Send the Booker pannel to the 'Peace Wall' it ain't so peaceful. And no mere man could have gotten away with her gorgeous liminality. 

I wonder if I am the only man ....oops...reader, alive who 'got' it; noticed her literally whole-new-genre sneaky bits?  But I hope she one day gives me a nod for living that genre, for about 15 years. However it was not until I discovered her wonderful page a few years back, did i celebrate my own pathfinerissiness. Though I know i will not be the only one ever. 

But the whole point is, yoiu DO NOT share it. It is yours, alone. This has become almost my creed; philosophy; religion; theosophy...whatever the right word is for a faith that is for real, and thank god at last puts all the frauds in their place: "wrong way around sorry chaps"

The above of course assumes my objective reality, or landscape of 'conscious agents' (wonderful man at last we are back to how it should be " I may be completely wrong"), or qyuantumpl entangled many worlds when they admit they aint a fuckin clue as to what the rules of anything are....  

STOP THOSE PRESSES.... which is personal code for, nahhhh s'time to go, all the way, and pet us start from the start....

One year ago. Just down from her layby.... that is non-Byronic sis [for now], herrr..... 

In the most "picturesque" to quote seven year old her a whole lifetime later, in six mere months.... little backwater byway there is..... very old purple pushbike, no hands, the l'il ole mini disc player by SOny Enterprises well make em fuckin better next time so they don't eat mini discs.... but theyre still better than any old mp3, or Flac or wav or whatever else was never as ....

"good... hahhh that's the start!: [ stage direction: this is not a stage: real smile not a painted on type that's pandemic for some years]...  spesh the Hunter boot wearing brigade...] .... cut to rickety raggety old wire basket.... a bit of fruit - old and just about munchable....  a carton of milk - sour, and thus just about drinkable in fact thats really all you ever needed to know and we could stop the whole next million words here: yes sour milk is quite drinkable; that you cannot means you are not as fortunate as I and been to hell and back on a diet of only dry cornfalkes with baptising fires to wet them... and thus can never be accused of being 'glib' .... as i cycle along under the relentless - dumb word, weather just is....sunny every day for weeks... which means we don't need studio lights as the camera pans to the pannier ... and the old not really even 3 gee thing starts ringing..... and the idiot savant alone in his byways... his please note.... smiles so much he near falls of with laughter .... 

" ..... so who has whom by the balls now.... with your dumb credit ratings and minimum payments.....  this is so fuckin gloriius Harry Potter couldnt make it up even if he is made up and as stated to [The Narrator] yest.... 'as she, Grizelda from OUR top nut,  said, those  ten years ago...  real " life is so much weirder and more interesting than fantasy... only idiots read that fantasy..."or feed their children with it.."...'

But that - the above, is really for the separate page. Because i do know how to do 'this' now.... and did not have to think about it. And thus what should be at the top or bottom  - can't be bothered to think that 'option' through yet either...well sort of. I wonder if she is dead yet? I cannot ever listen to it without recalling her scratched little 7". And thus we must have the version that includes scratches. 

And as a one off i shall also include a note to ed: when you get indoors check for typos. SUnshine  means i canknee see

the screen...