Monday 19 April 2021


 go back a few days ago and proof read detypo.... no need of any 'proof' of anything .... and never ever again a tear for anyone.... and those just now were not, as they often can be for us all, for mine self  - universal...they were. Perhaps difficult an episode to explain to a reader fully how simply sublime those few weeks were, even if they 'failed' - a battle lost...

But 'war'....  and smiles and actual "bliss" not her fake crowdfunding (calling herself a '"charity" in the first word of her five grand begging bowl post, by jove...) version... wars "wone", well i think there are three maybe four little battlers...  that the fully CRB checked "sex kitten" came and trusted us,,,me ...with hers.... 

It is the most impossible absurd turn up for a book, ever.... and is definition of, active sublime, and purity of intent always.... but that's the pious way of putting, "because...i can"  never mind having "nothing to lose".... ....and it all....WORKED!  Even I am in shock, almost complete exhaustion-shock, of the good kind, nevertheless takes a few days to have the space to enjoy, and i do believe in 'something' no idea what the fuck the 'deal is though.... and as they - collectively what do i call them? "team" "gang" ... all a bit understating an impossible troupe..."infantry" was good even if they wouldn't even know what 'pacifist' means round ear...

That will come one day...

All that matters is that they also know I am so ridiculously impossible to undermine shock fuck over ..."get to".... and despite being a poncy poet of sorts and reader of propper books like Extinction  or rereading the was-lost, now found, bit of the best best Leo, Resurrection, ..(note to self emphasise how BAD the last page was though - that all the master could manage? tosser... ) that i had time - (lie... wished to just sit at a beauty spot a year ago with a good book...all the sun...and see who came by...randomly...... sane people always make time for things that keep you sane if nothing else, like reading some good books)........ .can put in a gatepost that will last far longer than the owner of our quasi-collective land, will.... cos despite their efforts, to recreate the chaos of their minds and lives, in my 'space' ,  it will ALWAYS be done...PROPERLY.... The first man i loved taught me that....despite all the efforts around him of the jet set fancypants lot to undermine.... 

and his job on younger me  WORKED...too. .....PROPPER.... no matter what.  Should be the title but we shall see....